Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar (COST TU1208)
Coordinator: Dr. Endri Stoja
Project aim:
COST Action TU1208 concerns the application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) techniques in the context of Civil Engineering. The main goal is to create throughout Europe a scientific and technical community that not only shares information and knowledge on the matter by establishing links between universities, research institutes, companies and end users, but also promotes the use of this safe and non-destructive inspection method which, among others, can be applied in construction engineering, mine detection, the survey of archeological sites etc.
Project started on April 2013 and will end on April 2017
Semantic keyword-based search on structured data sources (KEYSTONE- IC1302)
Coordinator: Dr. Elton Domnori
Project aim:
The COST Action 1302 started on October 2013 with the support of 28 European countries. Epoka University represented by Dr. Elton Domnori joined in October 2015 in the quality of COST Near Neighbour Countries. The main objective of the Action is to launch and establish a cooperative network of researchers in fields related to semantic data management, the Semantic Web, information retrieval, artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing, that coordinates collaboration among them to enable research activity and technology transfer in the area of keyword-based search over structured data sources. The coordination effort will promote the development of a new revolutionary paradigm that provides users with keyword-based search capabilities for structured data sources as they currently do with documents. Furthermore, it will exploit the structured nature of data sources in defining complex query execution plans by combining partial contributions from different sources. The main objective of the Action is complemented by the following secondary objectives: (a) promote the development of novel techniques for keyword-based search over structured data sources; (b) facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology to the scientific community, practitioners and the enterprises; and (c) build a critical mass of research activities and outcomes that achieve the sustainability of the research themes beyond the Action.
Project started on October 2013 and ends in October 2017.
MULTI-modal Imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence - tools for Forensic Science (CA 16101)
Coordinator: Dr. Arban Uka
Project aim:
The main objective of this Action, entitled ‘MULTI-modal Imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence (MULTI-FORESEE)- tools for Forensic Science’, is to promote innovative, multi-informative, operationally deployable and commercially exploitable imaging solutions/technology to analyse forensic evidence. Forensic evidence includes, but not limited to, fingermarks, hair, paint, biofluids, digital evidence, fibers, documents and living individuals. Imaging technologies include optical, mass spectrometric, spectroscopic, chemical, physical and digital forensic techniques complemented by expertise in IT solutions and computational modelling. Imaging technologies enable multiple physical and chemical information to be captured in one analysis, from one 'specimen', with information being more easily conveyed and understood for a more rapid exploitation. The ‘enhanced’ value of the evidence gathered will be conducive to much more informed investigations and judicial decisions thus contributing to both savings to the public purse and to a speedier and stronger criminal justice system.
‘Electrospun nano-fibres for bio inspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications’ - (MPNS COST Action MP1206)
Coordinator: Dr. Albana Halili
Project aim:
This COST Action is aimed at achieving European scientific/ technological advances and meeting European economic and societal needs in the area of electrospinning of nanofibres. Coordination and networking activity in Europe within the COST countries will have immediate benefits for European basic and applied research, particularly in terms of maintaining and reinforcing its global
role. New international collaborations will be made possible through this Action, which will also allow wide and coordinated access to relevant experimental and analytical facilities. Immediate benefits will result because of shared access to facilities and know-how, especially for research groups or companies operating in smaller countries, in which the availability of facilities and know-how is likely to be more limited.
The COST Action will generate long lasting impact and benefits by providing the following main maximally productive outcomes:
• New integrated experimental/ theoretical methodologies for designing and producing electrospinning nanofibres
• Databases of application relevant electrospun nanofibre properties
• An improved and enlarged knowledge base through scientific articles on electrospun nanofibres
• Tutorial material for training both young and more experienced researchers entering the field.
This Project started on May 2013 and ends on May 2017
More detailed information can be found in
‘Electrospun nano-fibres for bio inspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications’ - (MPNS COST Action MP1206)
Coordinator: Dr. Albana Halili
Project aim:
This COST Action is aimed at achieving European scientific/ technological advances and meeting European economic and societal needs in the area of electrospinning of nanofibres. Coordination and networking activity in Europe within the COST countries will have immediate benefits for European basic and applied research, particularly in terms of maintaining and reinforcing its global
role. New international collaborations will be made possible through this Action, which will also allow wide and coordinated access to relevant experimental and analytical facilities. Immediate benefits will result because of shared access to facilities and know-how, especially for research groups or companies operating in smaller countries, in which the availability of facilities and know-how is likely to be more limited.
The COST Action will generate long lasting impact and benefits by providing the following main maximally productive outcomes:
• New integrated experimental/ theoretical methodologies for designing and producing electrospinning nanofibres
• Databases of application relevant electrospun nanofibre properties
• An improved and enlarged knowledge base through scientific articles on electrospun nanofibres
• Tutorial material for training both young and more experienced researchers entering the field.
This Project started on May 2013 and ends on May 2017
More detailed information can be found in